Take a stroll through the Linn Park Project, right here in the heart of the Greater Portland Area, where Sisu Painting has worked its magic to give this home a timeless makeover with a touch of down-to-earth charm.

Homey Shades of Gray: Picture a friendly gray that hugs the siding, giving off a cozy and modern feel. It’s the kind of color that says, “Come on in, stay a while,” making the exterior feel warm and welcoming.

Friendly White Trim: The crisp white trim is like a fresh coat of frosting on a cake – it adds a clean and friendly contrast to the gray backdrop. Every nook and cranny gets some love, making the home look like it’s always ready for a friendly visit.

Good Vibes, Timeless Looks: The Linn Park Project is all about those classic vibes that never go out of style. The gray and white combo plays well together, creating an exterior that’s like a comfortable pair of jeans – always in fashion, always a good choice.

Blendin’ with the Neighborhood: Sitting pretty in the Greater Portland Area, the Linn Park Project isn’t trying to be something it’s not. It just fits in – the colors play nicely with the surroundings, like the home has been part of the neighborhood forever.

Snapshots of Homey Vibes: Check out our gallery for a peek at the Linn Park Project. These pics tell the story of a home that’s down-to-earth, welcoming, and ready to make memories.

SISU Painting | Linn Park Project: Classic Vibes in the Greater Portland Area
SISU Painting | Linn Park Project: Classic Vibes in the Greater Portland Area
SISU Painting | Linn Park Project: Classic Vibes in the Greater Portland Area
SISU Painting | Linn Park Project: Classic Vibes in the Greater Portland Area